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Why Childcare is Important for Working Parents

Having a baby is a major event for a parent and when maternity leave ends you have a decision to face, stay at home or return to work. For many parents staying home is not an option so childcare is an important aspect of their lives. Finding the right childcare to suit your needs is crucial to feeling relaxed about your child’s welfare when you go back to work. Let’s investigate what makes childcare important to working parents.

Job security

Even the most flexible businesses require dedicated time from their employees. This means a working parent needs to have reliable childcare. Yes, you can use family and friends, but if they become ill, or unable to help one day, then you could find yourself in trouble with work. Also, the family probably won’t know what it is your child needs to learn to get them ready for school. By using an accredited childcare provider, you can book your child in and know that your work hours are covered and that your child is being prepared for their educational and social future. For those who work unusual hours, there are carers that offer extended hours. It’s a matter of finding the right fit for your needs.


When you choose the right childcare, they can reinforce your family’s values and beliefs while you’re at work. If you are Christian, you can choose a provider who has the same religious values as you. Perhaps, healthy eating and being physical is most crucial, or sustainability may be vital to you. Whatever it is that is important to you finding a childcare provider that reflects your values, beliefs, and passions will add continuity to your child’s learning. To find out more about what childcare in your area offer, you can go online. If you live in St Marys, you can go to Xplor St Marys to see a list of centers and preschools in St Marys Here, you can find lots of information on each childcare provider such as the service type (long day care, occasional care), fees, inclusions, hours, and vacancies – taking the stress out of the research.


We’ve been speaking about how important childcare is to working parents, but it is also important to the children. Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are it’s most formative. It’s when habits are formed, routines are learned, social abilities are cultivated, and a love for learning is gained. Childcare allows the children to experience new things, understand diversity, challenge themselves, build self-esteem, learn to problem solve, and get the school ready. For those parents that are eligible, fee assistance may be available through the Government’s Child Care Subsidy Program (CCS).

Childcare is not only important for working parents so they can go to work and earn the income their family needs, but it is also important for the child’s development socially, educationally, physically, and emotionally. When a working parent finds the right childcare for their family, then it becomes not only important but loved, enjoyed, and cherished.


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